Junctions Training Manual

GHD has developed a new training manual for ARCADY (Assessment of Roundabout Capacity and Delay), now called Junctions 8.

Please select what version you would like to purchase.


Use of this Tutorial Training Material

This booklet was prepared for classroom training and repetitively self-directed practice.  It is composed of exercises and guidance on how to use Junctions 8.  It condenses parts of the Junctions 8 User Guide and is intended to be a ‘road-map’ through the User Guide, available electronically through the software.  The User Guide gives guidance on individual features, keyboard entry and mouse clicks while this tutorial is aimed at combining user instructions for the most common tasks and features.

Chapters and sections of this tutorial are best followed consecutively but can also be used independent of one another.  This is intended to reinforce combinations of input instructions that speed the input and analysis process.  Once the user has become sufficiently acquainted with the graphical user interface (GUI) and how to execute combinations of instructions then, like driving a car, the user’s focus shifts from control to higher more complex functions and capability.


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Junctions has been developed over the last 20 years by TRL and is used for predicting capacities, queue lengths, delays (both queueing and geometric) and accident risk at roundabouts. Junctions is a top-shelf operational analysis tool to aid traffic engineers in designing new roundabouts. It is especially useful for assessing the effects of modifying existing designs.

Junctions has been successfully used to design and optimize thousands of roundabouts throughout the world. It has a host of satisfied customers including governments, multi-national organisations and universities. Its easy to use and intuitive user interface mean that it can also be used effectively by small consultancy companies. It can model both drive-on-the-left and drive-on-the-right roundabout systems, making it applicable to junctions in many countries.

Since the release of ARCADY 5 in 2000, ARCADY (now Junctions) has been capable of modelling capacity and delay and accidents at mini-roundabouts. These important innovations are based on the results of major government-funded research programmes undertaken by TRL. The models are of the same form as those used for conventional roundabouts and make available to the designer logical, rigorous design assessment procedures for mini-roundabouts.

For more information on the software and to download a demo, please visit the TRL website.

ARCADY Training Workshops and Courses

GHD Inc. is the only official training center for ARCADY software in North America. We can customize a training workshop to meet your organization’s personal needs.

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a software training workshop.

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